Posted on April 26, 2023 by Leif Jacobsson Translation from Swedish by Andreas Lindahl During its history, TAM-Arkiv has published many collections of professional memories. One of the most interesting is about pharmacy employees and is called “Doften av apotek” (Eng. ”The Scent of Pharmacy”), published in 2014. Is there a specific scent attributed to…
Författare: Andreas Lindahl
Three trade unions – one pharmacy
Lars-Erik Hansen, Leif Jacobsson It was in the wake of industrialism, as a result of the contradiction between labour and capital, that the Swedish trade union movement emerged in the late 1800s. Until this time, there were mill-like and patriarchal conditions in the field of pharmacy. But the 1900s came to mean major changes in…
Do you understand how fast technology has been developing at the hospital?
Publicerad den april 19, 2023 av Lars Carlén Translation from Swedish by Andreas Lindahl There is a lot in this black-and-white photo from the intensive care unit at Danderyd Hospital that reveals that it is from another time. Someone who has experienced first-hand how ICU care has developed in recent decades is nurse Eva Barkstad. She has worked…
Reform parental insurance! Posted on April 14, 2023 by Leif Jacobsson
What reforms are important if we are to create an equal society? Åsa Forsell – who works with gender equality issues at TCO – highlights a reformed parental insurance as a central issue. Åsa Forsell is an analyst in gender equality at TCO. She has a background in economics and has worked with social insurance…
Thord Wallén – TAM’s first aficionado
Posted on March 29, 2023 by Leif Jacobsson Translation from Swedish by Andreas Lindahl The first managing director of TAM-Arkiv, Thord Wallén, was a real driving force. He was an educator; wrote books on the history of the white-collar movement and was also a poet. Thord Wallén. Photo: Allan Myrman. TAM-Arkiv (which today is TCO…
The growth of the kindergarten idea
Published on October 21, 2022 by Anna Lundkvist Translation from Swedish by Andreas Lindahl A children’s garden (a kindergarten). It sounds ever so beautiful. Who doesn’t want to be there? ”…I long for the pebbles where children I played” (a freehand translation by translator) as Verner von Heidenstam writes in his poem ”Thoughts of Loneliness”….
NIO-FEM 2/2018, p. 30-33
Interview with TCO investigator Ulrika Hagström Union struggle for working environment How does TCO work to improve the working environment? Ulrika Hagström – TCO’s investigator in the field – explains how TCO today works with work environment issues. Faces look familiar. The old TCO chairmen look down at me from both walls. They are painted…
Friendly Takeover
Nio-Fem 2/2017, p. 6-11 Interview with best-selling author Linus Jonkman Author Linus Jonkman. Photo: Johan Bergmark The work room is often a social space with a lot of sound and interaction. But it doesn’t suit all people. Author Linus Jonkman expresses appreciation for the value of what he calls ”självsamhet” (Eng.”selflessness”) – a certain voluntary…
NIO-FEM 1/2016, p. 6-10
Interview with author Nora Bateson The Nature of Science She is a film maker, writer and lecturer. And she leads the Bateson Institute.Becoming a competent graduate can be an asset to a hard labour market. But Nora Bateson, who leads the International Bateson Institute, believes that academic research the way it is conducted today leads…
NIO-FEM 1/2015, p. 8-11
Interview with social anthropologist Raoul Galli What is trade union capital? What is ”trade union capital” for? Researcher Raoul Galli has studied what is recognized in the trade union world based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory. When I speak to Raoul Galli, I am struck by his academic language and measured gestures. On pure intuition, it…