Fackförbundet Scen & Film organiserar många olika yrkesgrupper. Det de har gemensamt är kanske att de alla är i tjänst hos konsten. ”Vi är alla i tjänst hos konsten” är också titeln på en ny bok som beskriver Fackförbundet Scen & Films historia. Att teckna Svenska Teaterförbundets resa från dess bildande 1894 till det som…
Hur har svensk sjukvård utvecklats?
Hur har den svenska sjukvården förändrats historiskt? Vilka processer har bidragit till att de medicinska yrkena blev de professioner vi kan se idag? Det är frågor som belyses i boken ”Uppkomsten av ett professionellt medicinskt fält”. Svensk medicin har en lång historia. Det inser man om man börjar läsa Carina Carlhed Ydhags bok ”Uppkomsten av…
Syster Gerda – en facklig eldsjäl
Många är de – i en fjärran tid tongivande gestalter som senare, i likhet med mindre bemärkta människor, försvunnit i glömskan; i ett slags ”historiens töcken”. Vissa av dem borde vi nog återkalla minnet av. En kvinna som haft stor betydelse på flera områden är Svensk sjuksköterskeförenings fornaledare Gerda Höjer. Mellan 1945 och 1960 var…
NIO-FEM 2/2018, p. 30-33
Interview with TCO investigator Ulrika Hagström Union struggle for working environment How does TCO work to improve the working environment? Ulrika Hagström – TCO’s investigator in the field – explains how TCO today works with work environment issues. Faces look familiar. The old TCO chairmen look down at me from both walls. They are painted…
Friendly Takeover
Nio-Fem 2/2017, p. 6-11 Interview with best-selling author Linus Jonkman Author Linus Jonkman. Photo: Johan Bergmark The work room is often a social space with a lot of sound and interaction. But it doesn’t suit all people. Author Linus Jonkman expresses appreciation for the value of what he calls ”självsamhet” (Eng.”selflessness”) – a certain voluntary…
NIO-FEM 1/2016, p. 6-10
Interview with author Nora Bateson The Nature of Science She is a film maker, writer and lecturer. And she leads the Bateson Institute.Becoming a competent graduate can be an asset to a hard labour market. But Nora Bateson, who leads the International Bateson Institute, believes that academic research the way it is conducted today leads…
NIO-FEM 1/2015, p. 8-11
Interview with social anthropologist Raoul Galli What is trade union capital? What is ”trade union capital” for? Researcher Raoul Galli has studied what is recognized in the trade union world based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory. When I speak to Raoul Galli, I am struck by his academic language and measured gestures. On pure intuition, it…
TAM-REVY 1/2014, p. 4-5
Interview with sociologist Roland Paulsen Empty working life Sociologist Roland Paulsen attended the conference “Det ifrågasatta arbetet” (Eng. ”Questionable work” or “Wishful work”) at Arbetets Museum (the Museum of Work) in Norrköping in November 2013. He calls himself a ”labour critic” and pushed the controversial thesis at the conference that we should reduce working hours….
TAM-REVY 2/2014, p. 14-18
Interview with deacon Karin Löfgren Is spiritual care truly psychological? What is the difference between being a pastor, a psychologist or a psychiatrist? Deacon Karin Löfgren believes that her profession has a special opportunity to help people with spiritual problems. On a sunny spring day at the end of April, I arrive at Björkhagen metro…
TAM-REVY 2/2010, p. 8-11
Interview with Gunnar Adler-Karlsson To the praise of laziness? Professor Gunnar Adler-Karlsson and the basic income Do we live to work or do we work to live? Gunnar Adler-Karlsson asked this question in the 1970s. He created a debate about the future of the labour market that is still lively at an international level. The…